Activities to Liven Up your Week

With less daylight in the evening and cooler temperatures en route, it’s easy to come home from a busy day at work and stay inside. Here are a few ideas of activities to add to your schedule outside the hours of 9 – 5. Meet friends for dinner. Plan to go out for a meal […]

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How to Grow and Maintain a Beard

Looking to grow some facial hair beyond some stubble? Follow these basic tips to ensure you don’t look like you’ve been stranded on an island without grooming supplies. Make a plan Beards affect the appearance of your face. Find a style that works for yours. Generally, those with short faces benefit from more growth under […]

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Basics of Hosting a Dinner Gathering

The onset of the fall season brings many things. Aside from the bright hues of foliage, hopefully cooler air, and pumpkin-spiced everything, this time of the year is meant for gathering. Seeing family, connecting with friends, and meeting new people can all be achieved by hosting or attending a simple dinner party.  Although going to […]

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